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Domark succesfully certified a sustainable project of Bank Hapoalim in Yokneam which meets the IS 5281 standard for green buildings


Domark just completed a 100 SqM Shelter Renovation Volunteering project.

The Shelter is to be used as a recreational youth center, for young adults aged from 18-25.

Volunteering and giving back to the community is our way of saying that We Care.

We want to help build a better future for those who are underprivileged.

The goal of the project was to create a space that is both young and hip, while supplying a positive and educational environment that is warm and welcoming to those disadvantaged youths. 


Ziv Hospital Radiotherapy Center - Domark's new project, the construction of an underground three-storied Radiotherapy Center is underway. 

Follow the link for more information about this unique and intricate project.



Domark's new project, Constructing a new Radiotherapy Center at Ziv Hospital, Safed, is under way. Click the following link to view the news article.



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